Tuesday, October 4, 2011

BOMB IT ! (Graffitti)

What is graffiti? It can be an expression, political statement, it can even be freedom to many people yet, the origins of graffiti go back to the beginnings of human, societal living. Graffiti has been found on uncovered, ancient, Egyptian monuments, and graffiti even was preserved on walls. Graffiti is the plural form of the Italian word grafficar.

Graffiti signifies drawings, markings, patterns, scribbles, or messages that are painted, written, or carved on a wall or surface. Graffiti also signifies "to scratch" in reference to different wall writings ranging from "cave paintings", bathroom scribbles, or any message that is scratched on walls. That is my point of view because just anything can be art Graffiti if that person is expressing there self and what they think there drawing means. Mr. Z asked us if we though graffiti was a vandalizim or just art he said in the class room it would be like 90 % that Don't think its vandalizim and the other bit it is which its was surprising. But i think anything is art as long as that person thinks it is. like when we watched "BOMB IT" people who do art well there are bad things coming there way in many places they are already going to jail for a long time and they have to do more, community service,pay the fine,there is more than that for them.
Painting means a lot to many people and they have to express them selfs and life even by letting the message out on what is to come to there life of happyness. Graffiti is to share but than later on it became to be money and from there they took the chance to make a living. graffiti in the form of spraycan art is art. It has form, color, and other base properties as well as an arrangement of these elements into structures that qualify. Graffiti might even be like art in a museum.

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