Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Camille Pissarro vs. James Abbott

Camille Pissarro a traditional artist that would carry his palette around and his pigments on them his wooden palette and leaving the colors he set out to make it around the edge. from the upper colors and their mixtures, Pissarro painted a delightful landscape of a farmer and his wife. there are the primary colors he used,secondary colors and Tertiary colors. yet all included in this image of him life. oil wooden painting was the making of reflection of what he thought yet, some of the artist back in the day they didn't use black not much to show or see with is since they had the mixtures of other colors
James Abbott had in mind the colors he wanted to use and what they were for the blue and gold blend well for him and his likes unlike Camille he was in the water color with no pallet but, grayish of a color included the colors are the mood and what he is thinking with what can be representing the role of emotion in taking place with what is art? as for him its the ideas and how he feels with all the temperature of work (chapter 4 page 101) he also, creates the lines strong and stable vertical lines this is not created alone but with the colors he mixes in other situations Camille did not use grayish nor black but he did use a self image.

Edward Hopper vs. Raphael

Eward's Hoppers work is like an abstract value such as the rectangle of the sky and the trapezoids of the ocean, wall and yellow floor. his work might be seem crafted but its the including of people and there living. yet who wouldn't want a painting that can be representing the freedom and how long is the ocean where one can relax and think there at that location. Hoppers focus on shape and the light how it comes in the home and gives light. yet, there are certain colors he wont use just because of the shapes that represent the object and the outline. There are eight things that Hopper used to construct his portraits shape, mass,light,value,color,texture, and space (chapter 4 page 81).
As for Raphael the image of Mary has exposed feet and that opens our eyes he does the contrasts with the darker tones around it while Hopper used light and around darker tones as well to make a more meaningful attraction to what the image signifies .Just as the lines around Mary and the features around implied the triangle shapes. Taking them to a place of realistic.as for the lighting they both have the same meaning to there painting trying to see what is what and where is the setting taling place standing out from shape, lines and color.

Razors edge/ what is performance art ?

The day started with a couplee of movie clips from Razors edge that Mr. Z showed us. it was a very intresting movie thought we didn't finish watching it we can get an idea from were we stopped to whats next in the movie. yet the statements that were said in the movie is like you have so many things and anything you want why not enjoy it in a way.
Bill Murray can be very emotional actor there were times the different times he changed the way of living, speaking and being emotional apond him self very wise of him. As for performace art thats what Marina Abramovic did and Bill connect with the chearacter in the movie.
what is performace art ? The moment in which the performer has his own idea and take out the image of what he/ she can create that is the IDEA! yet performance can and is real rather than theater for instance, knife and blood for theater you can cut ur self but just fake blood no oain no gain of the emotion.But performace art is real and take the knife and blood there is am impact there. unlike art trying to sell it and make something out of it performace is a unique thing object that comes ans goes, nothing to sell just its memories.
Marina has so much to say with her work it's hard to tell what one is felling rather than just showing and doing with her work. i was schocked and fasinated with her work its a striking way of feelings what if that was us. telling us and giving a chance to see how life is suppose to believed like Mr. z has said. art is about money and power the body for performance art.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Class got me thinking this previous week i was coming up with things to say but, never could say it because it may seem like so many things. i really don't have a choice or i guess say what it is in a correct way, but what is has to do with art? its the reality on what you can see the different prospectives and still be on the way to discovering what is reality with art. for instance  what is art ? that's another thing subject the relates to whats reality? there are many ways of thinking and saying it.
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one"
Albert Einstein
But hang on - I consciously observe the lucid dream world, so does that make it a genuine reality?
Just how many realities are there - yours, mine, his, hers? As Einstein suggested, is every form of reality merely an  reality is everything we observe to be real. so what our brain thinks if its real that's it like Mr. Z had said is love a realistic thing REALITY to ones life or an emotional thing. many in class were thinking on what is it and all. on how we can describe it and to what is mean to us.
Just how many realities are there - yours, mine, his, hers? As Einstein suggested, is every form of reality merely an illusion? Is nothing real? Example : the movies that Mr. z showed us that was like real but yet not in our world like inception made up in our dreams.

Vincent Van Gogh was a great artist he would even if the price to be paid for it in life was high. In a letter written to keep his brother spirit he had said that it was hard price to be a link in the chain of artist in health, youth, in liberty. And he will make art for the future and it will be so delightful that even if one gives up its serenity that they will give up their youth. As for Claude Monet it’s the kind of painting that will be easily liked with the landscape and the blue sky with the little cottage on the side. There is no need of matter explaining the art and the picture we can see it and fell like we are there with no problem. Van Gogh’s life was not like everyone else. He bought his paintings and brushes at an art supply store like we will ex: Michaels supply store, Kinko’s or where it’s cheap for one with no high class. Vans vision of the world was brush stroke. The brushes for vans were intense of seeking its colorful heightened. When Vincent died the prediction of his art work came true his painting sold for 82.5 million that was the highest paid ever for a painting. Vincent’s art lays a very powerful influential for other artist/ the most special role he plays is the western art. As for Claude Monet he belonged to a group of painters called the impressionists they met in art school in Paris. Monet spend some of his adult years in poverty, painting pictures that people just wanted unlike Vincent, he did get to see his art rise and be something and being at galleries like any other painting. Monet’s paintings from the worlds of school are still with us today but they are still artist heat struggle to be with us today. Monet’s are is everywhere and are special since many wanted them and have them in many galleries.    

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"3 million years of art history in 150 minutes"

Last week Mr. Z talked about the different arts, what is art and how we interpret art. Also, what is the history of art ? There was the pebble he mentioned, if it was hand mande or what happened to it i my self thought it was hand made never thought is was a waterworn pebble. the pioneer were placed in pioneer spaces and crafted as a special message from earth as to say don't have doubts about it and it's true. Than there is what is art? art can be a message expressing there feelings, the survival adventure of a person or many may see a reflection of people in art or the thinking or people what they did and think. Art can be a specific thing and very descret thing to do. so what is art to others ?