Tuesday, November 29, 2011


  • NAME:Andy Warhol

  • OCCUPATION:Painter, Filmmaker

  • BIRTH DATE:August 06, 1928

  • DEATH DATE:February 22, 1987

  • Best Known For

    Andy Warhol is famous for his "pop" paintings of everyday consumer goods, like Campbell soup cans, as well as screen-printing portraits of celebrities, like Marilyn Monroe.

    Warhol's influence on pop music started with pop art and what it did to America.

    Pop art provided  liberation. After all, not only was trash part of the modern landscape, but it had a life and beauty of its own.The Campbell’s Soup Cans are another approach to the same issue. He painted a vast series of cans, each a little different from any other, sometimes obviously and sometimes subtly.

    The Marilyns are the first and most famous of Warhol’s Celebrity series. They are silk screened prints on canvases, the same image but different colors each time. Warhol chose silk screening because it was mechanistic rather than personal.

    Tuesday, November 22, 2011

    November 15 lecture

    There were many project this week that I really enjoyed. I learned that not only can u see a painting but, you can see three D item's all over and the shark in a tank was interesting and having to know that there are different sounds not just one that makes senses but, different ones yet if certain people don't like those sounds they can get pretty annoying at many times I thought the sounds were from just any music I really enjoyed it I that was great. all the presentation did well and well explained with there work. also, when Mr. G gave us the projects we can do and get more point by doing more of the othere points Great! i can't wait to being the project and start to have them on my blog to show some of my creative work.

    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    chapter 20 Arts of the Pacific and of the Americas

    Ritual Mask this is Mixtec artist living in Tenochtitlan and its a probability not sure of the artist. artist also made gold and silver objects for the Aztecs who the admire there work. this work follows the feature on the women's face and the pearls shell serves for teeth and eyes. such as the mask they would be worn in many ceremonies of song and dance that were central to Aztec life. many of the mask have a long history Mesoamerica. like the mask Pendent deposing a Ruler. the fashioned gold and copper like the mask had on the designed, alloy be the Americas undoing gold fashioned there was a boundary the knowledge of extracting and waring gold this was layers of copper not just clay pendants were precious medals for them and the under cultures such as the Olmec and the Maya had prefer jade. the medals and others objects precious metals spread from Central America since the pendant was solid gold and not in place for ceremonies. yet this might be people who live in south America might have clear ideas or the objects that represent there place.

    chapter 20 Arts of the Pacific and of the Americas

    Interior of a Maori Meeting House this the mens meeting house the house is understood to be the house body of the sky father. the ridgepole is his spine and rafters are his robs His face is carved on the exterior where the elements symbolize his embracing arms. meeting thus take place within god. this will be there protection place and the place of authority for them. Many of the powerful ancestor are carved in the series of reliefs that line the walls. There has been presence felt in the house, yet the woven were carved by women and this house is just a meeting house for men. As for the temple of the feathered serpent this is located in Mexico from the second century C.E. for them this temple is feathered serpent the meaning of it is unclear to us. yet for them the god of windstorm that6 bring rain the representing aggressive from collar of feathers from there they have the god of rain unlike carving the the body parts like the meeting house. They did have a god which they believed in and had different thoughts on what they would do.


    Class time with the presentations which were many of them to present and i thought it went well. Many explain what happened to there artist and how they became artist. I personally like when they show videos with there presentations that help understand the artist more and give a better explanation, that also depends what they are presenting. what i learned what about Andy Warhol his paintings and himself were and are bight /powerful he was a superficial guy also what i didn't know was about the lighting images i thought it was a neat thing to show since Ive never heard how long pictures took to take and the development way that was nice to learn. If we were there waiting for eight hours, eight minutes or  seconds that would sound funny for us because now it takes about a second learning about the first person with pictures and taking picture it was great to know.
    I hope for this coming project we get to do something fun like the no light project. we came up with ideas that will be more about doing our self kinds things or the group projects. Can't wait till we see what is the project.

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011


    Pablo  Picasso  experiment with wonderful ideas i remember learnign from his in elementry i tried to come up with one drawings in class never to be the same he was an inmiring person. he was in Paris but, nothing the same like the other artist he worked with others but, the work his self was great. Picasso would make his work flat when is what a person they had no convention in the model industries in his work there were nontraditional work. he was a womans man once it came to work you cant leave women out since his life was with women all around hard to talke about his and taling abnout his work women are in the painting though his world has brought great work to us we might be able to explain yet the work is done well to us. unlight the painting of people there were the enlightment future the work and doing what humans do with more color unlike close like picasso work the ladys would be close and small in Ernst paintings there is the questions why are the others in the painting from Street Dresden alone?

    Chapter 21 Andre Derain VS. Henri Matisse

    Andre Derain was only fourteen when he started to paint. Andre did paint his first landscape around the time he started to paint. from there on he started and did great work he made the free color many of his work was good but some just got more attention. he would experiment with his work yet, color for him was the freedom and with the colors he chose to make the painting more vibrant than any other. it seemed as his paintings had emotions he felt in with an expression of his as to say he had a imagine like a beach house just the colors were out of the ordinary than one can imagine. Almost like Henri he has more life to his paintings than just trying to see what will be there in the painting. Free color but, with the imagination of being free with style. this than created an art movement though many though he wasn't a painter since he did do more.  Paintings like Joy of Life inspired the expressionist current in twentieth-century art, which celebrated the body.

    Terminal 5 & Great potlock

    Terminal 5 was a great movie I never heard of it and I loved it There were so many things that one airport has and with the beauty and designs its comes together to become a great masterpiece yet, it did fail to stand but, the attempt was great and on video. The art exhibit comes together at an airport and for one night hard work but i would have to say well worth the attempt. Rachel Ward did a fabulous job i was inspired yet, the architect could not hold the entire weight it was dangerous to try the regulations they had . if we would try to do that well it will create a controversies. well at least they have it on tape they will know what it was like since they could have no more. Rachel had said before "We are still at a challenging moment for air travel and this is one of the reasons i decided to pressure terminal 5 at this time. it is also just after the first century of flight. Of course it is not possible to recall the original optimism of flight. That moment is gone forever but it is always possible to retain an outlook of possibility. I think that is what brings together air flight, modernism and contemporary art, each thrive on possibility". brilliant work she did i was inspired with her work.

    while watching the movie we did have a pot lock and i thought it was great. After the movie and break time it was time for the presentations simply great and with more details on what is going on with there artist great presentations.

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    Chapter 22

    Pollock it stated with his principle teacher and there is were he thought about artist and the work that he can show to everyone he was glad he got to see the place as wher  the princlple had thought him. one of his famous paintings is shimmering substance like the one we have in the class room and he had no abstarct on how it went and where to start he just let loose of the brush and went banans with it is was great and exprpessing and relaxting was the deal. the abstarct and the nonrepresentational are more common then beofre when he grasped for terms to speak. unlike Pollock there was willem de Kooning he began his paintings by taking a magaizen and make the picture from there i thought really who would do that but, the picture came out and with more life to the picture i thought it was amasing to see something so different and with more admoration than what the magazien had. he thought about his drawings unlike Pollock he didnt. ther as Pollock and William had a strong sence of abstract.

    Class Visual Culture

    Once again i learned the new literacy that Glenn made and that is the education literacy. yet, we did review the other of the literacy i didn't know much about the visual culture and i got more information as Glenn talked about it. there are four type of literacy first, the text literacy the ability to recognize and understand ideas conveyed through visible actions and the images as to say a picture. second, network the first technology like the Internet or the i phones come up with more advances then before. next education literacy Glenn made this one fun and its true education is important and who doesn't need it everyone has gone to the library or used the Internet to look up information and know what is best for them finally, visual literacy Visual literacy is the ability to interpret, negotiate, and make meaning from information presented in the form of an image. we also, did the presentations i thought there was good information and like to l earn more about there artist bio thought since its nice to know where and how they started overall they did a great job i like the pictures and all the information they had. and my favorite " The Reader" i can't believe she didn't confess to what really was happening to her i don't think i could have done the same and i though about my grandmother because when my grand mother came to America she didn't know how to read or write it was hard for her and so she wen to school. people now they are embarrassed if they can't read nor write and i still see that some people just can't  read nor write.